Monday, November 28, 2011

Blog Assign. #2

Christopher Martin     
Comm1307 Intro to Mass. Comm.
Ms. Whitus
All the President’s Men
     In 1976, All the president’s Men, gave a new perspective on how corrupt presidential elections can become. The film reenacts the operation that took place in the “Watergate Scandal”, Reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncover the dirty deeds of the presidential campaign and the White House involvement in the cover up of the Watergate Incident. The film demonstrates the perseverance of two reporters that derived the story of the break in into something epic which eventually was utilized and forced the president Nixon out of office.
    The film concentrates on the events that occurred on June 17, 1972, five Cuban nationals are arrested breaking in the National Democratic Headquarters located in the Watergate Building. A relative new Reporter, Bob Woodward is assigned to a seemingly trifling story which turns out to be very instrumental story when he notices that the Cuban Immigrants come out with top notch lawyers helping them the midst of everything. Throughout the Plot, he is joined by Carl Bernstein, whose career is in a downhill situation. They eventually end up with a source called Deep throat which leads them to uncover that the money in the burglars accounts had been donated to the Committee to Reelect President Richard Nixon. Soon After they realize how hard is to publish the story due to the government determination to eliminate the story in the name of national security.
    Watching This Film, It made me realize how far muckraking is pushed in order to get to the truth. These reporters had to persevere through endless assaults to their story which eventually enacted the resignation of the president. It also conveyed of why/how government utilize corruption in order to benefit their own.       

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