Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mass Media Pollution by Chris Martin

What Do you Wake up to? Sounds like a stupid questions but actually most of the modern world would recall shutting off the radio, the iHOME, or just that annoying jingle on your phone. You might just relate to this scenario, if not, well lets just say, I just gave you a glimpse of my chaotic mornings. It does not just stop there, throughout the day I go through a rigorous course of events, for example: When I get to the bus stop, I put on my headphones and begin listening to the radio or my playlists. Then at the arrival of my school, I begin scouting in the internet for Homework Assignments, shortly after that start googling for news and media about Irene(The Hurricane). Then hitch a ride with my sister and converse about our interesting events that happened to us on the perticular day while listening to Klove 91.3. Then Relax while watching HBO or Primer Impacto, Help mom with the chores around the House(you get it, like the Tv show). At last end the day with setting up the alarm. Did you notice how boring our lives are now, our society is just overwhelmed or so used to  this Mass Media all around us, we probably just regard it as normal. Social lives now depend on social networks, ads for everything like movies, Food, and daily specials in stores.

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